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Are Joy and Peace the Secrets to Confidence?
Having confidence is not a check-the-box, one and done sort of thing is it. It stems from the ongoing act of loving and believing in

What to expect on our exploratory session?
Exploratory sessions are complementary and an investment of both your time and mine. It’s important for us to take the time to determine that you’re

Coach vs. Therapist?
I’m often asked how to know when people need to hire a coach verses a therapist. Coaching does not take the place of therapy; in

What is your North Star?
It may not be what you first think As we ascend on this new dawn, I invite you to continue to evaluate your values (what

The Power of a Universal Time Out
So much of our normalcy has been taken away. This has been painful and difficult for many of us, a relief for some, and a mix

How to be calm and feel joy NOW
Right now the main thing people are asking for help with is how to deal with anxiety and isolation. Anxiety is a brutal thing to

Ditch the Nice Girl Complex
I’ll take honesty, compassion and authenticity over “nice” any day. These things move mountains and transform lives. Nice, although nice (excuse the pun), doesn’t change

Own that Shit Girl
Own that shit, girl You wanna kick ass in life? You gotta love on yourself. Years ago, my coach @deniseyamada told me I could never

Deconstruction to Reconstruction – Our Relationship w/ Ourselves is a Living Thing
Several years ago, during a heart breaking and world flipping divorce, as I often did, I sat on the beach in my rawness. I was

What wild intentions will you let burn in your heart this year?
Yesterday I gathered with my dear friends who are also coaches. We reflected on 2018. Shared our achievements and blessings, losses, & lessons learned as a

A Growth vs. Negative Mindset & What to do About it
Often times, I hear the women clients I work with apologize for being “negative.” These are typically nice, kind people who are working hard on

Falling Into a Love Affair With Who We Are
As women, part of our biological wiring is to care and tend to the needs of others. This is undoubtedly part of the expression of

Take a breath. You’re good. I’m good. It’s all good.
Maybe you’re like me? When I was 5 I struggled in school. On my report card, my scores were low but my teacher said “Nicki

No Mud, No Lotus: We all Want the Pretty Flower and Not the Mud
Here’s the dichotomy. We are a society who is WAY too hard on ourselves. Nothing we do is good enough. Then when it’s time to