Executive & Life Coaching

Helping executives achieve their goals with balance, fulfillment & joy


Coaching is a series of powerful and structured conversations designed to move you forward with velocity. 

I specialize in working with executive leaders to help them achieve their business objectives. Whether it be getting ready to step into their next level of leadership, learning how to communicate effectively, or managing diverse teams with equity and inclusion, increasing emotional intelligence has a direct correlation to raising productivity and overall business success. Studies show 60% of job performance is attributed to Emotional Intelligence for employees ranging from managers all the way up to CEOs (Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry, PhD and Jean Greaves, PhD). Our work together will help you access your own power, live your purpose and create the freedom to live the life you want.

About Nicki

Nicki’s passion is to empower individuals and leaders to challenge and expand their thinking in order to increase performance, wellbeing, and joy in their lives.

She is a Life and Executive Coach with over 13 years of experience helping individuals and organizations achieve remarkable results. Nicki will help you access your own power, live your purpose and create the freedom to live the life you want.

Latest Articles


Well-Being Workshop at the American Military Society of Comptrollers - San Diego, CA

Speaking, Events, Workshop

Please contact me for speaking engagements, events and workshops.  

Popular workshops include:

  • Performance and Accountability in High Performing Teams
  • Understanding behavior styles in the workplace (DiSC)
  • Discovering Emotional Intelligence
  • Well-being as the foundation


I would love to hear from you. I offer complimentary exploratory sessions for individuals to see what coaching together is all about and if we are a fit. If you are a Human Resources professional, executive, or business owner I would be delighted to chat by phone or set up a meeting to discuss your business and people needs.